To be healthy, a correct diet is essential and not only in reference to the intake of the appropriate amount of nutrients, but also to the fact that the food consumed is safe and that ingesting contaminated food or water can cause diseases.

As suppliers of catering and food services, at SOLMED Alliance we select products of the highest quality to distribute to our customers and create succulent preparations that meet the most demanding standards. Wherever we work, in various countries and facilities around the world, we apply exhaustive quality controls and follow international ISO standards, in accordance with Det Norske VERITAS certifications.

The way in which food is produced, stored, handled and consumed affects its safety, which is why carrying out a strict control in the chain is essential for our corporation in which the safety and health of our consumers is paramount.

For all this and because “Food safety is everyone’s business” we want to join the World Food Safety Day and promote good practices of all the agents involved in the process related to food safety.

At each stage of the food chain, foodborne risks must be prevented, detected and managed to contribute to food security since unsafe food is a threat to human health and the world’s economies.

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